Due to the success of the research program, I’m Ready research enrollment will be ending on December 30th, 2023. You will still be able to order more test kits, as well as get additional linkage to care resources and can continue to connect with our health navigators for support before, during and after you self-test.
Please follow the steps if you are currently a research participant enrolled in I’m Ready (app version 1.0.43; see main menu page to know which version of the app you are currently using):
- Visit the google play store for Android users or the app store for iOS users to update to the newest version.
- Once you have updated the app, click on the menu and select “Switch to the new I’m Ready Program” and follow the instructions.
- If selected to switch to the new program, you will be redirected to the home page and you will be prompted to create a profile and answer a pre-test survey.
- Choose to have up to three self-test kits delivered to your home or another address, or opt to pick up a single kit at any one of our pickup locations. If you already have a kit, continue to step #5;
- Once you have your self-test kit, open your I’m Ready, Test app again. You’ll then follow the steps in the app and use the test kit’s instructions to take the self-test;
- When you have done the test, you’ll record your result in the app anonymously and continue on in the app to access more information and resources to keep you healthy like treatment and prevention options for HIV. Remember, you can connect with our health navigators before, during or after you test.
Follow these steps if you are a new user to I’m Ready (this is for individuals who did not have the I’m Ready app already downloaded):
If you decide you want to be part of this program, you’ll need a smartphone and access to wireless internet or data. First, you’ll need to download our I’m Ready, Test mobile app. Note that as you go through the program, our health navigators are available to support you anytime before, during or after you test through our I’m Ready, Test secure telehealth service.
- Once you have downloaded the I’m Ready, Test mobile app, you’ll be asked to:
- Agree to be part of the program, create a profile and answer a pre-test survey;
- Choose to have up to three self-test kits delivered to your home or another address, or opt to pick up a single kit at any one of our pickup locations. If you already have a kit, continue to step #4;
- Once you have your self-test kit, open your I’m Ready, Test app again. You’ll then follow the steps in the app and use the test kit’s instructions to take the self-test;
- When you have done the test, you’ll record your result in the app anonymously and continue on in the app to access more information and resources to keep you healthy like treatment and prevention options for HIV. Remember, you can connect with our health navigators before, during or after you test.