We made these social media posts for you to share I’m Ready with your audiences. Check out our graphics page for visuals you can use. Thank you for joining us to promote access to HIV self-testing and care in Canada, and please also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Post content: general

These are sample posts and you’re welcome to modify them to your voice. Posts that mention the program and generally invite anyone to learn more about the program but do not directly invite participation are not considered recruitment and you are also welcome to create your own.

What is considered recruitment? Anything that addresses audiences in a 2nd person voice (you/yours) and uses language like “Are you ready,” “Are you ready to know your status,” “learn your status,” “Get an HIV self-test kit,” “join the program today,” is considered recruitment and should use the approved recruitment post content in the next section.

  1. @REACHNexusCA I’m Ready research program @ImReadyJagis sharing free COVID-19 antigen tests and KN95 masks with its HIV self-testing and asking survey questions through an app offering peer support to connect to care and improve HIV testing in Canada: https://www.readytoknow.ca/#study
  2. @ImReadyJagis is a national HIV self-testing research program from @REACHNexusCA, who got HIV self-testing approved in Canada last June. Learn more:  https://www.readytoknow.ca/#study
  3. Thanks to the Canadian Red Cross & Health Canada, @REACHNexusCA I’m Ready research program @ImReadyJagis, participants will for a limited time have access to free COVID-19 rapid antigen testing kits when they download the I’m Ready mobile app on an iOS or Android smart phone.
  4. Why is HIV self-testing so significant for ending the HIV epidemic in Canada? Check out @ImReadyJagis’s page about evidence for HIV self-testing: https://www.readytoknow.ca/why-self-testing/evidence-for-hiv-self-testing/
  5. Questions about HIV self-testing? Check out the @ImReadyJagis Knowledge base: https://www.readytoknow.ca/faq
  6. The I’m Ready research program @ImReadyJagis put together care pathways for support with HIV testing, care and prevention in different parts of Canada: https://www.readytoknow.ca/testing-support/care-pathways/

Post content: recruitment

These posts are considered research recruitment and have been approved by Ethics so please use them as they are and stick to these for any social media content inviting participation in the I’m Ready research program.

If you have questions or ideas for other recruitment posts that you think might better reach different communities, please get in touch with Adriana Suppa, Senior Communications Advisor for REACH Nexus at Adriana.Suppa@unityhealth.to or call 416-268-7642.

  1. Are you ready to know your HIV status? I’m Ready @ImReadyJagis is a research program where you can order up to 3 HIV self-testing kits and answer research questions to help improve HIV testing and care in Canada: https://www.readytoknow.ca/#study
  2. If you join the I’m Ready research program @ImReadyJagis, with the I’m Ready, Test app you can order up to 3 free HIV self-testing kits for delivery or to pick up at a participation pickup location near you! Details: https://www.readytoknow.ca/ready-get-a-kit/im-ready-test-app/
  3. I’m Ready, Talk’s health navigators are here for you before, during and after you self-test for HIV when you join the I’m Ready research program. Learn more: https://www.readytoknow.ca/testing-support/connect-with-health-navigators/