If you are experiencing a medical emergency or crisis, please call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room to get care. This website is hosted on AWS in a public server environment and is not configured to securely handle your personal health information.

Please do not submit any personal health information through this form or use this form for any healthcare needs or questions.

This contact form is for you to get in touch with the I’m Ready to Know team. We’re eager to hear from you about:

  • website feedback;
  • I’m Ready, Test app issues we need to improve or look into resolving;
  • partnership requests and general program feedback; and
  • anything else you think may be of interest to us!

If you have a media request, please email the REACH Nexus team at: reachnexus@unityhealth.to

If you are participating in the I’m Ready program, please contact our health navigators using the I’m Ready, Test Health Navigation service with your questions, or if you have concerns or feedback for our research team, email us directly at reachnexus@unityhealth.to instead of using this form or call our line at 1-877-462-4581.

As noted above, by giving your email to I’m Ready you may receive emails that identify you as a program participant. Anyone who sees these emails could know that you are a participant in this HIV research because emails are not secure in the way a phone call or regular mail would be. Copies of an email may continue to exist, even after efforts to delete the email have been made. We will only use the data that you provide in this web form to respond to your request—this is not data that’s part of our research. Please visit our Privacy page for more on how your privacy page is handled. If we’re required to respond to your request it will be coming from a Unity Health email address, which ends in “@unityhealth.to”.