Thank you, Bloor Street Entertains patrons!
You’ve reached this webpage because you opened our special gift to you at this year’s Bloor Street Entertains in thanks for your support for HIV research in Canada.
HIV self-testing, only recently approved in November 2020, in part thanks to REACH Nexus research supported by CANFAR, has been the missing link to reaching the more than 8,000+ people who are undiagnosed with HIV. If we can reach them and get everyone on treatment, we can end HIV in Canada.
The I’m Ready research program: getting HIV self-tests to Canada’s 8,000+ undiagnosed
Launched in June 2021, I’m Ready is a national HIV self-testing research program to reach the undiagnosed and those at risk of HIV in Canada. In the 1st quarter of I’m Ready, we reached youth at risk and people who had never tested before. We also had 2,600 kits ordered for pickup or delivery across Canada and reached people who didn’t know they had HIV. Now they can get the treatment and care they need to live long and healthy lives and not pass HIV on to others.
We hope that you will use the HIV self-test in your gift box—whether for yourself, or for gifting it to a friend, family member or sexual partner.
To reach those who are undiagnosed with HIV we need to think creatively and use innovative strategies to meet people where they are. With your help and generosity, we can succeed.
Be part of this innovative solution
We have made progress, but to end HIV in Canada, we still need to reach all 8,000+ people who are undiagnosed, and we need your help.
Where is I’m Ready getting HIV self-testing to in Canada?
Check out more about I’m Ready’s progress and reach across Canada in the video below, created by ESRI Canada.