In BC, health services are organized by region (also known as Health Authorities). To find out what health region you live in, consult the following map. You can navigate to region-specific information pages for these different Health Authorities from the BC care pathways landing page, where you can also access HIV care and prevention information that is applicable across the province.

General HIV care and prevention information

  • You call to get support from Interior Health’s Health Outreach team at 1-866-778-7736.
  • At any time, you can call HealthLink BC at 811 to speak to a nurse and obtain non-emergency health information.

If your HIV self-test result is negative

Access to PrEP

  • Any licensed doctor, or a nurse practitioner with training in treatment for HIV prevention in BC, can provide access to HIV PrEP (i.e., a daily oral HIV medication taken by people who are HIV-negative to prevent HIV infection); more information about PrEP can be found on the SmartSexResource website.
  • If you are a potential HIV PrEP candidate and want to know more, check out these step-by-step and FAQ brochures prepared by the SmartSexResource team and the Community-Based Research Centre.
  • You can reach the Health Outreach Team at 1-866-778-7736 (M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm) for support to link to an HIV PrEP option in your local area.

Access to PEP

  • You can access HIV PEP through your local Emergency Department (within 72 hours of potential exposure as PEP needs to be started as soon as possible) across Interior Health.
  • If you are in Kelowna, HIV PEP can also be accessed through Outreach Urban Health by calling 250-868-2230 (only in Kelowna).

If your HIV self-test result is positive

Access to HIV confirmatory testing

  • Access to HIV confirmatory testing can take place:
    • through a family doctor or nurse practitioner who offers services out of your community;
    • at a walk-in clinic located in your community; or
    • at any specialized sexual health clinic.
  • You can reach the Health Outreach Team at 1-866-778-7736 (M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm) to access confirmatory testing and for additional STIBBI testing.
  • Interior Health offers on-demand HIV testing through Interior Health Labs and Valley Medical Laboratories, by which a person can request a test directly at one of these lab locations. To access on-demand HIV testing, you can go to an Interior Health Lab or Valley Medical Lab (in the Okanagan) and request a test without a lab requisition. The Health Outreach Team can also be contacted at 1-866-778-7736 to schedule an appointment in the region where you are located.
  • If you live in or nearby Kamloops, Nelson, or Kimberley, you can generate your own lab requisitions for STBBI testing without seeing a healthcare provider, through GetCheckedOnline.
  • You can use Options for Sexual Health’s web-based clinic finder to locate specialized clinics, or call: 604-731-4252 or 1-800-739-7367.
  • You can use SmartSexResource web-based clinic finder page to locate local community testing locations, or call 604-707-5603 or 1-888-488-7444.

HIV care and treatment

Sexual health and other STBBI services

  • Access to testing for other sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs) can also take place through a family physician or healthcare provider in your community, a walk-in clinic, or a specialized sexual health clinic.
  • You can reach the Health Outreach Team at 1-866-778-7736 (M-F 8:30am – 4:30pm) to access confirmatory testing and for additional STIBBI testing.
  • If you live in or nearby Kamloops, Nelson, or Kimberley, you can test online through GetCheckedOnline.
  • You can use BCCDC’s SmartSexResource web-based clinic finder page to locate other local community testing locations, or call 604-707-5603 or 1-888-488-7444.
  • The My Health Is Sexy website provides a resource map that you can also consult to locate clinics in your area.

Peer navigation and community-based organizations

Peer navigators are people with lived experience who can help others learn about available services and resources for people newly diagnosed with HIV. To locate different community-based organizations in BC, you can visit, a directory of HIV and hepatitis C services. You can also check out the Pacific AIDS Network member list.

You can connect with peer navigators who are there to help support you before, during or after HIV self-testing. You can connect with them through I’m Ready, Talk.

Please note there is also province-wide information on the BC care pathways landing page.